The Articles of Association provide that the “direction of the affairs of the Company” shall be vested in the Governors. The Board is responsible for setting the policy and strategies of the Company and performing scheduled reviews of them. Specific authority is given to the Board to do things such as appoint a Head of School, set policies for the admission and removal of students, set the student fees, encourage and receive donations and endowments, purchase property and provide for the management of the affairs of the School in such a manner as they see fit.
Individual Governors owe a fiduciary duty to the School. They are expected to act reasonably, prudently and in good faith in the best interests of the School as a whole. They are also expected to avoid conflicts of interest, to maintain the confidentiality of Board business and to support decisions made collectively by the Board. Individual Governors must also act in accordance with applicable legislation, by-laws and policies. Finally, each Governor is expected to exercise the same degree of care, skill, and diligence as would be expected of a person with the same experience and background.